Monday, August 25, 2008

Continued Search for Optimal Rocket Motor

I've taken up amateur rocket construction as a hobby in the past year, and my current struggle is designing a rocket motor that 1) doesn't burn too fast, overpressurize, and blow up, and 2) that doesn't burn so slow that the thrust isn't sufficient for leaving the Earthly plane.

I thought I was rather sophisticated with my load cell set up.
But my motors are not at the stage yet where I need my static test stand (which I spent the last few months idly working on) to record the thrust time profiles. Rather I need to spend more time playing with ratios of gunpowder, baking soda, and glue, so as to finally get a motor that burns for about two seconds. After that I will record the thrust with the static test stand and start scaling the recipe for bigger rockets. See video below.

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